Real Change Is Possible

Within Yourself In Your Relationships In Your Career For Your Future

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No conditions. Your First Step Shouldn't Cost You.


3 Truths Worth Remembering

Talking to a trained professional can be a true benefit to anyone.

Coaching is not only for athletes or successful professionals –  anyone can benefit from talking to a coach.


The change you want is possible – and you don’t have to do it alone.

Choosing help is not a weakness – you are taking the tasks and goals towards change seriously.


You need consistency and commitment – change takes time.

No journey worth taking involves cutting corners and rushing to the destination.


What’s lovely about Riaan is that he takes time to understand the person/brand. He listens and is always in a position to give the best advice and direction on what you are looking for.

Mbali Nwoko

I have worked with him on both my personal and company brand and the results are phenomenal. I would recommend him to any entrepreneur who wants to take their business to the next level.

Unotida Nyoni

Riaan has helped inject fresh energy and focus into our business through his coaching.
By challenging existing ideas and approach in a blunt and honest manner, he has helped refine our business model and create a platform for future growth.

Jianni Geras
A Message From Riaan

Earning the trust and being of service to anyone who invites me to guide them in their development is an honour I do not take lightly. It is work that is truly worthwhile.

Too many of us are feeling overwhelmed, isolated, apathetic and cynical - and often we feel like sharing these feelings with those close to us would disappoint them or lead to them trusting us less. But we need to talk, we need to engage with the parts of ourselves that are too easily ignored. The challenges we ignore become the realities we fear the most.

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